Talking to a friend of mine about 401k contributions (more like the lack of contributions we are making), I started looking at our 401k accounts. I noticed that there was a large deposit on my wife’s account. Like $1,200 large. Then looking at her company’s retirement plan, I realized where it came from and remembered that this happened last year… Her company puts in a certain percentage (based on how long she has been with the company) of her yearly income into her 401k account. All she has to do is work at least 1,000 hours last year, which apparently she did.

I was shocked… How did I miss this! Then I look at the graph I posted earlier this week and sure enough, her 401k increased by $1,287.37 from last month and I didn’t even notice!

Moral of the story is free money is good and everyone should work at Costco.

On a side note, we are now going to be contributing on our 401k accounts since both of our companies match it. The interest and match that we gain should be more than the interest we would pay for our student loans. It’s not much but it is a start.