credit card

All posts tagged credit card

I previously talk about how to make your credit card work for you, but if you have more than one credit card it can be hard to decide which one to use. makes it so much easier. It is an easy to use mobile app where you tell it what type of reward credit card you have. Don’t know? Just give it the first 6 digits of your credit card and it will determine what you have. If you use FourSquare, you can link to FourSquare and when you check in, it will tell you which card to use. If you do not use FourSquare, you can use the app to check out which card would be best to use for that place.

They also keep up-to-date on the promotions your card is running at the time. If one of your cards allows you to get bigger rewards from gas for that month, it will tell you to use that one. You can setup a main card so if there is not a difference in the rewards, it will recommend that card first.

I’ve been using it for a few weeks and it has been awesome! I can switch between my Discover card and my Amazon Visa Card to get the best deal. It’s been amazing and I highly recommend it!

Next week, I hope to kick off a series about all the side hustles I do in order to earn extra money on the side.