money update

All posts tagged money update

Last month was bit tough… But we made it!




My wife’s 401k, did well. So that’s good… Plus her car kinda went up in value but not really. We found out she has a 2001 Toyota Corolla not a 1998. So that “increased” the value :)

Very little movement in the paying off of Credit Cards. *sigh* I miss seeing $500-600 being eliminated from this category. But things like Seattle Sounders Season Ticket renews, a wedding in November that required us to book a flight to Nevada, our anniversary in October, Lindy’s birthday in November, and Christmas with Lindy possibly working less hours in December/January makes it so we just have to stand our ground. Good news is, we should be able to make it though to the first of the year with out getting more in debt! I’m pretty sure Lindy is getting tired of hearing me say “we can do that, but it will have to wait until the first of the year”, but hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. Even if that means only making $28 of progress on paying off your credit cards.

In Credit Card Rewards news, since we have been moving away from using our Discover card for EVERYTHING to get rewards to using whatever card Wallaby tells us will get us the most reward; we saw a hit to our Discover card rewards but an increase in our rewards over all! Woot! This is why I love Wallaby!

On to the Side Hustles! I decided to take off the first half of the month of September :) But I still pulled some decent numbers for all my hustles other than selling for others. That was mostly due to selling things that were not as valuable as the things I was selling the month before. But that should go up this month. I’ll explain more in another post :)

But, something else I started doing was tracking the time I spent on each hustle. I did not track all the time for the month but I got a good chunk. Next months numbers should be more accurate:

Inbox Dollars: $23.64 per hour

Selling my stuff on eBay: $30.56 per hour

Selling for others on eBay: $6.81 per hour

e-rewards: $9.41 per hour


I’m excited to see what this looks like for this next month! How did you guys do last month?