money update

All posts tagged money update

Ouch… last month hurt. I figured it would be the worst month this year, but I didn’t know it would be that bad. After a generous gift from a good friend and my wife getting a third paycheck (totally forgot she got paid 3 times in November), we ended the month with $63 extra. Yep that’s right, without that gift and the third paycheck we probably would have been in the hole $800-900. YAY for a providing God, amazing friends, and unexpected paychecks! Luckily, December will be much, much, much, much better. My wife is in supervisor training for the next two weeks. During this time she will be working 38-40 hours a week and making almost as much I do. So this month should be the opposite of last month which is good because I love giving away money in December! I’ll have more about that in next weeks blog post. But for now, the money update!




Savings – We have canceled Verizon Wireless. We have switched to Republic Wireless. No contracts and they have great plans. We are going with the $25 a month per phone plan. So our phone bill will go from $144 a month down to $50! The down side is we had to purchase our phones. The GREAT news, they have the Moto X. Stock Android and made by Google, yes please! But we had to pull the $600 ($300 per phone) from our saving to do this. We will be/are putting money back in here to get to $1,000 before we pay down and more bills.

Credit Cards: Minimum payments due to not having money :P Your time is coming Credit Cards…

Everything else is pretty standard. And we payed off more debt then we created so yay? :)

I’m excited for this month and to show the progress we have made at the end of the year!